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Since being in the hospital, Jungkook had discovered, or perhaps developed a couple new phobias of his own, and he hated it.

He'd become scared to sleep. He woke up from terrifying nightmares almost every time he closed his eyes, the darkness consuming him and suffocating him as if he was drowning. He couldn't breath, couldn't shout out for help, couldn't see, and he always felt convinced that he was dying. When he'd wake up, it would occasionally throw him into a small panic attack, but wasn't lucky enough to wake up with anyone there with him, apart from Jimin once or twice in a week.

And that's what spurred the next fear. He was now extremely afraid to be left alone. Before coming into the hospital, he was known for being quite shy and secretive, always keeping to himself and finding more comfort in his own company than anyone else's. The only time he liked human contact was when he felt vulnerable, which really wasn't often, but boy was it what he felt now.

He felt so exposed and weak that it scared him. The future scared him. He'd never felt so terrified in his life. Yet he'd sit there, alone in his hospital bed, scared to be awake and alone, and scared to be asleep. It was an exhausting cycle, but he tried his best to stay positive. He had to.

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