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Taehyung's heart ached as he slowly opened the door to Jungkook's room, seeing the younger bent over in his bed with his hands cupping his mouth to try and muffle his sobs. Taehyung took no hesitation in going and sitting at the broken boy's bedside, leaning forwards and placing a hand on his knee. The action caused Jungkook to freeze and tense up, turning his head to the doctor with a terrified yet exhausted expression.

"I-I can't f-feel that..." he murmured in denial, barely loud enough for Taehyung to hear as the doctor looked at him with utter sadness. He always told himself not to get attached to patients, knowing that he was there as a professional to support their needs, but all he wanted was to help Jungkook and treat him with care. The boy doesn't have any family.

"I know." Taehyung whispered softly, but he decided it was a poor choice of words as Jungkook's glossy eyes shot up to meet his own, so much hurt and even hatred being displayed in them.

"Why can't I move my legs?! Why can't I feel them?! W-why... why didn't you... why-" unable to continue his outburst, Jungkook suddenly burst into tears, sobbing uncontrollably while hitting his thigh, just hoping that he'd feel something.

"Jungkook, I'm so sorry. We did all we could, but the tumour interrupted your spinal chord. I wanted to get Jimin to be the one to tell you when we worked it out recently but it would be unfair to keep it from you any longer." Taehyung said sadly, Jungkook shaking his head as he desperately gripped at the sheets.

"I... I can't walk?" Jungkook said knowingly, in a voice so much calmer than his state would suggest. Taehyung took Jungkook's hand in his own, holding it tightly while he looked at him with a sorrowful gaze.
"You're paralysed from the waist down." He whispered, and he saw Jungkook freeze, tears collecting in the younger male's eyes as it all hit him in one go. His breathing picked up, heart beating wildly in his chest as he started gasping for air, squeezing the doctor's hand tightly.

"I-I can't b-breathe..." he choked out, Taehyung's figure beside him becoming a blur of white and tan colours as his vision went out of focus. Yet in his spiral of panic, Taehyung's voice still managed to make him snap out of it.
"Look at me, Kook, just me, nothing else." Taehyung said in a clear whisper, Jungkook's teary eyes meeting Taehyung's reassuring ones in a heartbeat.

"It's going to be alright, take a deep breath with me, okay?" Taehyung spoke, the firm rigidity in his voice helping Jungkook to get a grip on himself as Taehyung coached him through his breathing, but his gasps soon became sobs, the tears flowing rapidly down his cheeks. Taehyung frowned and sat back, letting go of Jungkook's hand and opening his arms.
"Come here."

Jungkook accepted the embrace, not even trying to pull away as he completely broke down like a glass shattering on the floor, grasping onto Taehyung's shirt as he failed to get his sobs under control.
"I'm so sorry."

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