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Jungkook had fallen asleep soon after, but nurses had reported that Jungkook had been found having these panic episodes every time he woke up. They couldn't quite figure out why just yet, but his stitches might open and he may cause further damage to himself if this continues. And so, Taehyung realised that they couldn't possibly leave him alone just in case this happens, but as much as he wanted to stay, he was a busy doctor. It was impossible and not allowed.

If Jungkook didn't get enough sleep, his body wouldn't regenerate and may faulter, so this was serious. Therefore, Taehyung decided to call on Jungkook's roommate and ask him to stay with Jungkook for a night or two, because he could tell that's what the younger man would want.

Jimin agreed immediately, coming alone this time and bringing a blanket so that he could sleep on the small couch of Jungkook's room. Honestly, he was just thrilled with the fact that Jungkook had woken up, and was grateful that Dr Kim had called him to help.

It made him feel a little less useless.

Yeah, Jimin was still blaming himself for this. Jungkook had been complaining about headaches for weeks now, but when he'd suggested that he should go and see a doctor, Jungkook just refused. If only he'd pushed him to go, maybe so much of this could have been avoided.

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