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Taehyung told the nurses that he'd do the job of checking on Jungkook that morning, the ladies given him and questioning look but nodding nonetheless. He made his way to the intensive care unit, quietly entering Jungkook's room and smiling as Jungkook's eyes met his own, Jimin still strewn across the side of his bed, asleep.

"It's good to see you awake, Mr Jeon." Taehyung said, Jungkook blinking at him before nodding stiffly towards him.
"I see your friend has made himself at home." Taehyung chuckled lightly, noticing how his words caused a frown to appear across Jungkook's features.
"Jimin didn't get a lot of sleep last night. I'm sorry, doctor." He croaked out, Taehyung raising his eyebrows at how quickly Jungkook's speech was improving.

"You have nothing to apologise for at all. Was having someone here somewhat helpful for you?" Taehyung asked, the younger nodding and wincing at the slight movement.
"I'm glad, I thought it would be. My name is Taehyung by the way, and I'll be looking after you. Now, if you're up for it I'm willing to answer any questions that you may have, but only if you're sure." Taehyung said, Jungkook's eyes widening as the doctor spoke to him.

He had so. Many. Questions.

But how could he possibly ask them all?

Would the answers scare him?

Did he really want to know?

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