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"Hello miss, have you seen Taehyung anywhere?" Jimin asked a nurse who was just passing by, who scrunched her brows before a look of realisation and a warm smile tugged at the corners of her lips.
"Oh, you mean doctor Kim! Yes, I believe he's in the pediatric ward, that man is really good with the kids." She said with a little chuckle, Jimin smiling while Yoongi just rolled his eyes from beside him.

"Is there something I could pass on to him for you?" The lady asked, Jimin shaking his head politely.
"No thank you miss, we'd like to talk to him ourselves. Thank you though." Jimin said, the nurse bowing minimalistically as the two boyfriends walked to where she had suggested.

Jimin clutched the small notebook tightly in his hands, knowing that Jungkook had poured pain and energy into writing whatever was in there. Jungkook had told Jimin specifically to hand the book to Taehyung and tell him to read it alone. The youngest mentioned that he wouldn't be able to handle Taehyung reading it while he was in the room, and Jimin understood that, lovingly stroking Jungkook's face as he agreed and pried the small notebook from Jungkook's reluctant hands.

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