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Two weeks later:

Jungkook's scars had all healed perfectly with no complications or infections at all, which made his whole recovery process that much quicker, and everyone could certainly be thankful for that. In fact, his recovery had been so quick that he was soon to be given the all clear for going home. Yoongi and Jimin had been visiting him every other day, and on the day when he was being discharged, they came with smiles, hugs, and a teddy bear which certainly made the youngest happy.

And luckily for him, Taehyung had been given a week's leave after a very busy couple of weeks, another surgeon able to step in, so Jungkook and Taehyung would be able to spend the next week together. Jungkook wasn't the only one relieved about this, because Taehyung was happy that he'd still be able to assist Jungkook with taking his medication and going to therapy, and just being able to spend a week with his beautiful boyfriend was all that he wanted right now. Only Taehyung's boss and Hoseok knew about their relationship, but they kept it between them, Taehyung more than grateful for that.

These were the next steps to his new life.

To their life.

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