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Taehyung left the boys to give them some privacy to look at Jungkook and sit around outside. It took Jimin a good ten minutes to gain enough courage, but the moment his eyes met the window he knew he wasn't ready. He clasped a hand over his mouth, eyes tearing up at the sight that he could see inside the intensive care unit. Jungkook was connected to all this scary looking machinery, needles pricking his skin everywhere just to sustain his life. A neck brace sat uncomfortably between his chin and collarbones as he lay there, motionless, with a mask covering his face simply just to help him breathe. Monitors beeped and flashed around him, and his chest rose and fell jaggedly, as if it was painful for him to breathe even in his sleep.

Jimin shook his head, a tear slipping from his eyes as he took it all in. It wasn't fair. It just wasn't fair. Jungkook was so young and so kind, with nobody but himself there to support him, so why must something like this have happened to him? What would his life be like once he's recovered? If he recovers? Jimin didn't want to think about the possibility of him not waking up, but the dark thought still hung in his mind no matter how much he tried to smother it.

"If only I w-was there. We could have c-caught it so much faster. I could have h-helped him." Jimin stuttered, choking out a sob that he had been holding back. Yoongi reached out towards him, pulling his boyfriend into his chest as Jimin continued to cry, dry sobs creeping up his throat.
"It's not your fault Chim, he'll be okay. He's in good hands I promise. I love you baby." Yoongi said soothingly, placing a kiss into Jimin's hair as the younger clung onto him tightly.
"I love you too."

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