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The four of them ended up stargazing in Taehyung's garden that night, laying together as the couples cuddled up on the soft grass, patiently listening to Jimin pointing out constellations that his father had shown him when he was little. Jungkook stared up in wonder at the inky night sky, Taehyung's arm under his held as his eyes captured each speck of light and claimed them as their own.

Taehyung turned to Jungkook, taking a moment to admire how truly beautiful Jungkook was, on the inside and out. His raven hair presented a silver shimmer in the moonlight, his innocent doe eyes held galaxies of their own, and his heart, his heart shines brightest of them all.

Noticing Taehyung's stare, Jungkook turned his head and blushed a bit.
"What?" Jungkook chuckled with a raised eyebrow, turning his body with his arms so that he was now facing Taehyung.
"I was just thinking about how much I love you, and how lucky I am." Taehyung said, his words causing a crimson glow to taint the younger's cheeks.
"I think you'll find I'm the lucky one, love." Jungkook giggled, leaning forwards as Taehyung brought a hand to the side of his face and pulled him closer, and closer.

Before pressing their lips together in a deep, loving kiss.

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