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Jungkook mentioned that he wanted to spend the day outside, so Taehyung offered to take him to the local park, the two making their way there after Taehyung had made sure Jungkook had eaten something. Jungkook pushed himself alongside Taehyung, feeling as the gentle breeze toyed with his hair and gently caressed his skin.

"It's a nice day today." Taehyung mentioned as he walked with his hands in the pockets of his jeans, Jungkook nodding and humming with a soft smile as the sun looked down on them.
"It's honestly so good to be out of that hospital." Jungkook breathed, Taehyung placing a hand on his shoulder.
"I agree. I'm just glad you're not in pain anymore." Taehyung agreed, Jungkook taking Taehyung's hands and pointing over to an empty bench.

They spent the next half an hour soaking up each other's presence, sat side by side as they shared Jungkook's earphones and listened to the younger's favourite music. It was calm, comfortable and peaceful sat in the park, surrounded by nature and holding each other's hands. For the first time in weeks, Jungkook was truly happy, and Taehyung was truly relaxed. Such blissful feelings never seem to last long, so they treasured every minute of that day.

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