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Jungkook was all dissociation and panic until he felt skin brush again his own, a hand clasping his violently trembling fingers and allowing him to feel its warmth immediately. He tried so hard to focus on the contact, to let it ground him, knowing that he was no longer living his nightmare, because he wasn't alone.

"Mr Jeon, can you hear me?"

A low and unfamiliar voice from beside him suddenly came to him so clearly, his ears ringing as they began to register the sounds around him. He winced at the noise, which wasn't noisy at all, but to him in that moment it was the loudest a quiet room had ever been. It didn't help to calm him down in the least, but all he had to do was focus on the hand that was gently holding his own.

After receiving no response, Taehyung tried a different approach.
"Mr Jeon, please blink twice if you can hear me."

'Damn, since when did it ever get so hard to blink?'

Jungkook did as he was told, with a lot more difficulty than he anticipated. He didn't move his eyes to meet whoever was sitting next to him, they sounded professional, but he couldn't handle any of it right now. His brain was flooded with questions that he was failing to piece together.
"Squeeze my hand for me, and take slow, deep breaths."
The strange voice was low but velvety, giving Jungkook an immediate sense of comfort as the person beside him encouraged him to calm down.

"That's it, keep it up. Squeeze my hand again Mr Jeon."
Jungkook did as he was told, Taehyung smiling as the younger responded. He'd managed to get him to calm down before any major damage, but that was only one hurdle that they had to pass.

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