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When Jungkook suddenly awoke from another nightmare, Jimin almost jumped out of his skin as the younger's body lurched and his eyes flung open, shoulders and arms trembling. He was quick to kneel by his bedside, gently taking his best friend's hand in his own and looking over him with worry.
"Kookie-ah, can you hear me? Listen to my voice Jungkookie. Are you in pain?" Jimin whispered softly, yet he was finding it hard to even keep his voice in check as he was overcome with fear and upset by seeing Jungkook like this.

He felt Jungkook nod and squeeze his hand suddenly as he painfully gasped for air, tightly forcing his teary eyes shut to try and block out the images that scared him so badly. But just seeing darkness and nothing frightened him more than anything, so he was quick to open his eyes again, a broken sob leaving his lips at the pain and confusion.

Jimin gasped, bringing his small hands to Jungkook's face and wiping away his tears frantically as he tried to calm him down.
"Kookie, you're gonna hurt yourself, please don't cry." Jimin said, on the verge of tears himself as Jungkook tried to shake his head, but the neck brace failed to allow him to do so.

"Ji-Jim-in... h-hyu-ng." Jungkook choked out, his voice raspy and dry, which was painful to hear but Jimin was so happy to hear him try to talk again.
"Shhh, I'm right here bunny. You need to tell hyung if and when you're in pain, okay? I'm not going anywhere. I'll still be right here when you wake up."
Jungkook gave him a pleading look, and Jimin smiled down at him sadly, massaging his thumb between Jungkook's knitted brows to relax them.
"I promise."

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