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Taehyung had been forced to sit out on Jungkook's emergency operation, having been told by the head surgeon Hoseok that he was too anxious to perform and that he needed to sit outside and relax before getting to work. Dr Jung would always say a doctor always had to be at their best, no room for mistakes, and he was right. But Taehyung couldn't relax.

Due to the stress that the younger male was going through, his life was now hanging in the balance, the only thing currently keeping him alive being the ventilator and the attentive surgeons that were currently working on him. Taehyung paced up and down outside the operating room, not taking his eyes off of the small window that displayed what was going on in there.

He suddenly saw a surgeon running over to get a defibrillator, and his heart clenched and panic came over him, knowing that Jungkook must have gone into cardiac arrest.
'No! No he can't die! He can't!' He screamed in his head, wishing with his whole heart that he had been there for Jungkook and hadn't been so busy. Wishing that he was the one in pain and not Jungkook. He slumped on a chair outside, listening to the frantic and haunting shouts of the surgeon's orders from inside the room, and he placed his head in his hands as he prayed and he prayed.


One shock.
Two shocks.
Three shocks.

'Don't give up... please don't give up.'

"We have a pulse!"

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