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A nurse walked into Jungkook's room to check on him in the late morning, stopping in her tracks as she saw the doctor holding onto Jungkook's now sleeping frame.
"Sir, is everything alright?" She asked sceptically with a hint of concern, Taehyung looking up to her and beckoning her into the room.

"He needs a dose of benzodiazepine due to over exerting himself so that we can avoid him getting a fever. If you could help me adjust him back into the bed that would be much appreciated." Taehyung said with a soft smile, the nurse hurrying over and helping to get Jungkook comfortably back in the bed so as not to hurt him.

"And the usual dressing change sir?" The nurse asked, Taehyung nodding and standing up to leave. He was glad that he didn't have any operations planned until the evening, so he was able to stay with Jungkook for a little bit longer, encouraging him to sleep. He knew with a heavy heart that Jungkook would become a long term resident at the hospital as his brain and body recovers, but it would give Taehyung the chance to find him a good physio-therapist and make sure he gets the attention he needs.

He didn't know what it was, but something about Jungkook just meant that Taehyung couldn't stay away for long. He felt bad for worrying about him so much, but he had to keep checking on him constantly in order to calm his racing thoughts. The distressed male clearly needed the company and some sort of contact, so when Jimin wasn't around, Taehyung decided he'd find time to care for the younger.

He needed him.

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