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When Taehyung came to check on Jungkook for the third time that day, he found two others accompanying the unconscious and sick boy, one of them silently crying as he held his cold hand, the other rubbing circles into the crying person's back. Taehyung smiled sadly and walked into the room, heads turning to greet him.

"Don't worry Jimin, he'll be fine. I'll make sure of it." Taehyung said softly, Jimin immediately jumping up from his chair and going over to Taehyung just so that he could hug him, still crying. Taehyung didn't know what came over him but he hugged the boy back, squeezing him tightly as Jimin's sadness rubbed off on him.
"It's Jungkook, we both know he's strong. He's not done fighting yet." Taehyung whispered, Jimin letting go of the doctor and nodding.

Looking up at the younger with teary eyes, Jimin couldn't help but break out into a soft but sad smile.
"Jungkook really likes you you know, and I can see why." He said with a small chuckle as he wiped at his eyes, Taehyung tilting his head at his words.
"Oh really? Why's that?" Taehyung laughed, and Jimin shrugged, leaning into Yoongi who had come up beside him.

"Whenever I'm here he doesn't stop talking about you. It always brings a smile to his face. He said you're very handsome, like a doctor from a movie, but don't tell him I told you that." Jimin said, Taehyung blushing a little before wiping it off with a laugh. That's when they heard a groan and a voice from behind them.

"Hyunggg, you promised you wouldn't tell him!"

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