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It's safe to say that trying soup for the first time after his incident didn't sit well with Jungkook's stomach. At all.

He supposed that trying to consume something after so long was making his body work harder than it had been, or at least his constant stomach cramps suggested so. After being mostly pain free for a week or so, something else biting at him like this was nothing other than frustrating and exhausting. It felt like his body was at war with itself, and he couldn't help but groan as the dull pain came in waves, paired with a constant burning sensation somewhere in his stomach. If he could move his legs he would curl up into a ball and just wait it out, but for now he could only lie down and hunch over in his bed, his arms wrapped tightly around his angry abdomen.

It made him feel slightly nauseous, but he knew he wouldn't be sick when he's in so much pain. At first it was tolerable, but as time goes on the pain just got worse and worse. It was an awful pain that he'd never felt before, and even sipping some water wasn't helping at all.

So when a nurse came in he hoped that they could help, at least a little.

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