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The next thing Jungkook felt was the nurse roughly grabbing his wrists, forcibly pulling him up to a sitting position which made him cry out in pain, his muscles unprepared for the quick movement.
"Please, stop! What are you doing?!" Jungkook cried weakly, somehow succeeding to pull out of the lady's hold which resulted in him falling back onto the fresh pillows, bottom lip wobbling and body trembling from the stress.

"Maybe if you listened then you could make life a whole lot easier for the people who work hard to care for you." The nurse snapped, Jungkook groaning and curling his back as he wrapped his arms around his stomach once more, the constant and sharp pain making his eyes water.
"I'm s-sorry." He choked, a tear slipping from his eye at the mixture of pain, guilt and fear that he felt.

Maybe she was right.

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