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The two had hurried home, wanting to shower and get changed before going to dinner at a local restaurant. Jungkook had suggested that they shower together to 'save time', not forgetting the excuse of 'I need you there to make sure I don't fall again'. Taehyung had simply nodded with a smirk and an eye roll, walking into the bathroom with the younger.

To be completely honest, Jungkook had fallen once or twice in the shower, both times being more amusing than painful to him, as well as embarrassing when Taehyung had to come and pick him up. But other than his clumsiness he was perfectly capable of washing himself. He had a bench in the shower that he sat on to wash himself with, but slippery floors were definitely his worst enemy now.
Anyhow, who was Taehyung to say no to Jungkook?

There was something romantic about being washed by your other half, and Jungkook couldn't help but close his eyes as Taehyung massaged shampoo into his scalp.
"Nice?" Taehyung chuckled at seeing the younger's blissful expression, only receiving a confirming hum in response. He grabbed a clean cloth, lathering it in soap before gently cleaning the younger up, and then picking up his own cloth and doing the same for himself.

Jungkook insisted on drying Taehyung's hair for him, the older chuckling and bending down so that Jungkook could place the towel over his head and do so. Once washed and dry, with towels wrapped around their hips, the two made their way to the bedroom to get changed.

"Here's an idea, let's pick an outfit and not look at each other until we're changed." Jungkook said, Taehyung smirking and nodding at the suggestion, before walking over to his wardrobe.
"Be prepared to be blown away baby." Taehyung said with the same cocky smirk toying his lips, Jungkook rolling his eyes and turning back to his clothes with a head shake and a smile.

"You don't have to wear something fancy to do that, love."
It's true, Jungkook could never get used to his boyfriend's beauty, but hey, he was the only one who could make the brunette blush.

And you can be sure that Taehyung was a blushing mess right now.

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