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Taehyung was glad he had stayed that night, because after that, the nightmares seemed to affect Jungkook less frequently. The pain and the fear in the younger's eyes hurt him in a way that he could never describe, so to be able to ease the pain physically with painkillers and mentally just by being there put both of their minds at ease.

Dr Jung Hoseok had noticed Taehyung's closeness with this certain patient, and after some contemplation he decided not to get him in trouble for it. Jungkook's recovery was definitely being aided with Taehyung as a catalyst, but it was obviously unusual for doctors and patients to become attached in such a way. It could be dangerous.

Hoseok may be Taehyung's superior, but the two were colleagues, and good friends. Taehyung was one of the best neurocardiologists and surgeons out there, he couldn't afford to lose him. However he had mentioned to Taehyung one day when they were grabbing coffee together, that if his connection with Jungkook was going to hinder his performance at work, they'd have to do something about it.

Taehyung knew that Hobi only meant well, so he nodded politely, the other smiling back at him. He was not going to stop tending to Jungkook, heck, he looked after him more than any other patient in the hospital... ever. Was that bad? It's not that he didn't do his job by caring for other patients, but not without checking on Jungkook in between.

Just to be safe... you know?

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