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"Kookie, baby look at me."

Jungkook shook his head frantically, eyes squeezed tightly shut as he refused to move from the half-curled up position he was in. He groaned into the pillow, just wanting the pain to go away. Why wouldn't it go away?

Taehyung frowned, lightly running his hand along the younger's back, concerned to find it clammy and warm.
"What did she do to you?" He muttered under his breath, pushing his anger aside and replacing it with concern for Jungkook's sake.
He then brought a hand to cup Jungkook's forehead, sighing as he felt that it was rather hot, likely a low fever caused from stress. He swept a small thermometer from his pocket, quickly taking his temperature and frowning.

"Oh sweetheart, you're not feeling so good are you?" Taehyung said as more of a statement than a question, humming with sympathy when Jungkook shook his head with minimalistic movements, tears continuing to slip past his eyelids despite them being tightly shut. He hated how weak he felt; how purely weak and vulnerable this all had made him.

"What hurts pup?" Taehyung asked, already unlocking a nearby drawer to pull out an ibuprofen shot to ease the younger's pain and help fight the fever off before it could progress.
"S-stomach." Jungkook gritted out, whimpering as the angry knot in his stomach refused to loosen for even a second, making it hard to even breathe. Taehyung sighed, knowing that this was normal for patients who are finally returning to eating, but for Jungkook it seemed really bad.

"Okay Kook, can you lift your arm a little for me? I'm just gonna give you a quick dose of ibuprofen with a needle so that it gets to work as quick as possible." Taehyung said, smiling as Jungkook raised his right arm a little, but he still didn't turn to face him. After sterilising a small patch of skin on Jungkook's arm and locating a vein, the medicine was administered using the small syringe, meaning that it should surely start to take effect in the next few minutes.

For now, Taehyung's job was to make sure that he was as comfortable as possible.

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