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After Jungkook's little episode the previous day, Taehyung called Yoongi to see if he and Jimin would like to come over and hang out with him and Jungkook, hoping it would take the younger boy's mind off of his troubling thoughts. After all, Taehyung had quickly become good friends with the two other boys. The way Jungkook didn't let Taehyung let go of him when they had slept that night just showed that the nightmares and the thoughts were not entirely gone, and without some positive distractions they'd be tricky to get rid of.

And Taehyung would do anything for his baby.

Jungkook's smile when Jimin came through the door with his arms outstretched really showed that he'd made a good decision. Jimin and Jungkook sat in the lounge together, laughing and chatting aimlessly while the other two sat in the kitchen with a coffee each.

"How is he then?" Yoongi asked, and Taehyung sighed and shrugged.
"He's doing okay. His mobility is improving at a quick rate which is super encouraging, but he's still finding it hard to come to terms with the fact that he can't walk. We could take him through a recovery program in a year or so to see if we can get any movement back, but for now he just needs to get familiar with the wheelchair." Taehyung replied with a small frown, Yoongi mirroring the frown and looking up at Taehyung.

"Well, he's definitely better off with you. He was texting Jimin all about how much he loves you the other day, it was adorble." Yoongi said with a smirk, Taehyung chuckling and rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.
"Really? That's cute." Taehyung said with a smile, Yoongi nodding and patting his shoulder.

"So, since I haven't seen you for years, let's casually catch up now that we have the chance. Shall we?" Taehyung suggested, Yoongi shrugging and lending the other a small smile.

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