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At first Jungkook had thought it was just the exhaustion, the lack of movement from being in a coma and the pain after the surgery being the reason why he couldn't move the limbs below his hips. But after two days of consciousness, his inability to feel or move his legs became quickly distressing. He could move his arms fine, even if they were aching, and could twist his torso and neck even though he'd rather not try. So why not his legs?

After that question, seeing Dr Kim frown was not an expression that allowed him to relax at all. No. It caused him to panic inside, only bringing more questions to attack his already exhausted mind.

The doctor had stood up quickly, running his eyes over the bumps of the blanket where Jungkook's legs were buried, and look of concern plastered over his handsome features. He murmured something about going to talk to his nurses, before saying it would be fine and that he'll be back, leaving abruptly.

Jungkook would not take that as a good sign, but his pounding headache forced him to sink into the uncomfortable hospital bed and try and sleep.

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