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"Kook-ah, I'm back." Jimin sang as he came through Jungkook's door, this being the first time he's managed to visit him in about a week. That means that Jungkook had gone days without anyone around him apart from rushing nurses that could barely stop for a small conversation, leaving him alone and with his thoughts once more. When Jimin gained no response, the older male noticed how Jungkook was staring idly out of the window as if he hadn't noticed his presence at all.

"Jungkookie? Hellooooo?" Jimin said with a frown, walking towards the other who hadn't moved a muscle.

Something wasn't right here.

Jimin settled Jungkook's favourite stuffed toy on the bed; he had brought it hoping that it would make him smile or at least bring him a little comfort. But moving to the side of the bed and into Jungkook's line of vision, his friend was unmoving, a blank expression covering his perfect yet sunken features that was void of any emotion.

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