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"Sir, I need to have a chat with you."

Taehyung had got out of the operating theatre not ten minutes ago when his attention was summoned by one of the intensive care nurses, and he nodded to her to speak as she walk over to him.
"It's about one of your patients, Mr Jeon." She said, Taehyung frowning and trying hard to read the expression in the nurse's face to see what kind of news this was gonna be.

"What is it? Is he alright?" Taehyung asked, worry laced into his thickly fatigued tone as he spoke. The lady bit her lip. Not a good sign.
"He seems really distant, like just a fragment of him is there. I'm worried that him being left alone for so long has caused him to dissociate to cope. His friend mentioned that he eventually managed to drag him out of it, before he reluctantly fell asleep soon after." She mentioned, Taehyung eyes widening as he brought a hand to his forehead, hitting it harshly.

"How did I not consider that this could happen?! I'm going to see him now. Tell Dr Lee to step in for me until I return." Taehyung said, waiting for an affirming nod from the nurse before hurrying off to the intensive care ward.

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