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Through the evening of that day, the four of them surrounded Jungkook's bed, Taehyung helping him up to a sitting position so that Jungkook and his friends could play uno together. They offered for Taehyung to play, and even after he expressed that he could get in trouble if he was found, they shrugged it off and practically pulled him to the bed to join them, saying that 'it makes Jungkook happy, so you're doing your job.'

Jungkook slipped into a dissociative state once or twice, but even though it only lasted seconds, it still managed to shake him up a little. Not knowing where you are or who you are or what's going on for just a second is enough to freak you out. Yet the youngest felt reassured that it was okay when Jimin smiled to him, saying 'don't worry if you can't remember, your hyungs will remember for you', and Taehyung reassuring that 'it won't last long Kook, you're doing so well', all with Yoongi smiling and nodding to him the whole time. It made Jungkook find the energy to smile back.

Seeing Jungkook smile after such a terrifying incident was a bandage for all of their souls, making the pain of seeing such a young and sweet boy in such a horrible situation lessen a little. Jungkook's positivity, resilience and hope never failed to impress them, so they couldn't help but melt when Jungkook giggled at winning a round of uno.

He giggled.

And it's fair to say that Taehyung though he'd have a heart attack at that.

A/N: I played uno with my friends in the hospital and it's been the most fun we'd had in a long time :,)

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