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Taehyung was on high alert as Jungkook started to panic, his adrenaline levels and heart rate increasing rapidly, which was a huge problem as the younger could quickly over-exert himself and cause further health issues. Not exactly a good thing right now. Taehyung acted quickly, watching as Jungkook's unseeing eyes darted around frantically as if they were trying to follow a fly, tears building up in them at an alarming rate.
He needed to calm him down before his jerky movements could caused him to pull something out or hurt himself.

"Mr Jeon, you need to calm down. I promise that you're safe." Taehyung tried, but the lack of a response and a choked sob rolling from the other's lips showed that he simply couldn't hear him. Jungkook was moving his arms around frantically,
that's a good sign...
...but it's not so good when he has canulas and wires attached to them.

Taehyung urgently sat on a chair by his bedside, doing the only thing that he knew would at least help to ground the panicking boy.

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