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Jimin wished that he didn't have to leave Jungkook, but he had to get home so that he was ready for work the next day. He couldn't risk getting fired now because he knew that Jungkook would need help paying his hospital bills, and he was more than happy to help, but that meant leaving Jungkook at the hospital. He wasn't lying when he said Jungkook would never be alone. After all, he was only a phone call away, but he knew that Jungkook was suffering when it was just him in that lonely, clean room, and so he notified the nurses on what had happened.

"He didn't seem to know that I was there." Jimin said to Jungkook's main nurse, the lady frowning and shaking her head.
"Mr Jeon seems to be suffering with some dissociation lately. He will seem distant, but it should go away within time. I think it's about time we informed his doctor though, just to be sure." She said, Jimin's eyebrows furrowing at that.

"Mr Kim? I would have thought Jungkook would have told him by now. He's always talking about the conversations he has with his doctor." Jimin mentioned, only getting more confused and concerned as the lady shook her head once more.
"Mr Kim has been busy all week doing his job, I'm afraid. We're trying our best to keep Mr Jeon entertained in the meantime." She said with a reassuring smile, but Jimin didn't feel settled at those words at all.

Jungkook really has been left alone, bored and frightened, and he couldn't stop it.

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