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"What happened?"

Those were the first words that managed to pass Jungkook's chapped lips, Taehyung taking a seat by his bed and offering him a sympathetic smile.
"You had a series of seizures due to something in your brain. Once you were brought to hospital, you had an emergency brain surgery. Mr Jeon, you've been in a coma for over a week." Taehyung explained, Jungkook feeling a headache coming on as he tried to process all of the information. His eyes widened.

"Woah wait- Over a week?" He murmured, Taehyung nodding. Jungkook blinked for a second, exhaling deeply as he stared at the ceiling.
"Was the thing... i-in my brain a... a tumour?" Jungkook asked, horror taking over him as he saw the look in Taehyung's eyes, clearly confirming it. Noticing the younger tense up, Taehyung put a hand on his arm, urging him to take a moment to calm down.

"Yes, it was a tumour. And I know what you're thinking, and I'm telling you now that it wasn't cancer, and the tumour is gone, Mr Jeon. You're surgery was a success and the fact that you've woken up pretty early on is a great sign." Taehyung said softly, Jungkook visibly relaxing slightly with relief as a few questions gradually melted away.
"Please just call me Jungkook." The younger replied, Taehyung nodding to him with a small smile.
"I need to get a nurse to change your dressing, Jungkook. Is there anything else you would like to ask right now?" Taehyung continued, Jungkook looking up at him with an expression so blank that it scared the doctor.

"Why can't I feel my legs?"

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