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"Shireen noona, what are you doing here? You were banned from this ward yesterday, if you hadn't noticed, so I kindly suggest that you leave, hm?"

The nurse quickly spun around from the side of Jungkook's bed to face the doctor who stood at the door, a stern and judging look on his face.
"Oh, Dr Kim. I was just leaving." She said with a sly smile, Taehyung not liking her tone at all. He opened his mouth to speak, when his eyes landed on Jungkook who was silently crying into his pillow, shock and anger taking over the older all at once as he ran over to the bed.

"Oh my God... what did you do?!" He growled to the nurse, placing a gentle hand on Jungkook's head that was turned away from him as he received no reply, quickly turning to glare at the older lady who was slowly gathering her equipment.
"Get out. Now." He warned in a low voice, and he would have shouted if he wasn't worried about making Jungkook freak out. Lucky for them, Shireen was quick to comply, rolling her eyes as she walked out and not forgetting to slam the door behind her, making Jungkook flinch.

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