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Taehyung drove Jungkook to his house, Jungkook's eyes widening and a smile forming over his lips as Taehyung pulled up in front of the pathway that led to his small bungalow.
"Your house is so pretty." Jungkook said, Taehyung chuckling and leaning over to unbuckle Jungkook's seatbelt for him.
"It's not much, but it's home. I'll grab your wheelchair, pup." Taehyung said, Jungkook nodding gratefully as Taehyung got out of the car, grabbing the wheelchair from the boot before helping Jungkook into it.

As they made their way up to the door, Jungkook could have sworn he almost teared up when he saw that Taehyung had readily placed a shallow ramp before the front door so he could get in by himself. Taehyung noticed his grateful expression, ruffling the younger's hair as he unlocked and opened the front door.
"I've cleaned up as much as I can so you can get around easier. I know you prefer to be independent. But for a doctor, I'm not the tidiest." Taehyung said, earning a chuckle and a smile from the younger as he made his way into Taehyung house, seeing how clear the hallways were and how open the rooms appeared.

"Thank you so much." Jungkook sniffled, and Taehyung's eyes widened, an adoring smile coming over his lips as he bent down to Jungkook's level in front of him.
"Baby, are you crying?" He asked, Jungkook now bursting into tears at how loved he felt. He didn't want to be a burden, but Taehyung just simply tidying the place for him meant so much.
"Aw Kookie." Taehyung chuckled, bringing the younger into a hug and kissing his forehead.

"I love you."
"I love you too."

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