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Jungkook was nothing but shocked as Taehyung walked into his room at nearly midnight, shrinking into the bed as he saw how Taehyung looked at him through the darkness. The younger couldn't sleep, thoughts whirring uncomfortably in his mind after he'd handed the notebook to Jimin, and so he'd been sitting awake in bed, but now his body was rigid.

Would Taehyung hate him?

What would he say?

When Taehyung just stood silently in the doorway, tears started to well in Jungkook's clear eyes as he feared the worst, regretting saying anything in the first place. His head snapped up when Taehyung's low voice cut through the silence.

"Is this how you really feel?"

Jungkook noticed Taehyung lift the notebook up, pointing to it with his other hand.

"Y-yes. I'm s-sorry."

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