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"I'm looking for a Jeon Jungkook?"
"Down the emergency ward and to the left."

Jimin rushed down the hospital halls with his boyfriend that he'd dragged along, his heart clenching at the thought of seeing Jungkook through a glass screen. Yoongi squeezed his hand that he was holding, urging him to slow down and relax a little, which Jimin reluctantly complied to. Once they'd reached the ward, Jimin was quick to notice a white doctor's coat disappearing into Jungkook's door, the two of them sitting on the chairs outside to wait until he was done tending to the youngest.

Jimin was clearly tense, not daring to look through the window as he was so afraid to see his friend in such a terrible state. He didn't want to believe it. Yoongi just sat there silently, rubbing circles into the back of his boyfriend's hand with his thumb as he failed to imagine the inner torment that he must have been feeling. That's when the door opened, a handsome young doctor smiling warmly at them.

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