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'Help... h-help me... somebody!'

"Jungkook, hey it's okay. Open you eyes Kook, I'm right here."

Jungkook was having another nightmare, his mind twisting reality so horribly that it made him panic. He was dying. He was sure of it.
It felt so real.

It was only when Taehyung's voice and gentle touch on his arm registered with him that he actually started to come out of the dream, a broken sob leaving his lips as the panic and the aching of his muscles didn't dissipate whatsoever. The pain of his exhausted body hit him all at once as he was dragged to the present, his tired heart beating faster than it was ready to.
"Kook-ah, I need you to focus on your breathing, can you do that for me?" Taehyung said, adopting a gentler tone that only received a shaky nod from the younger who's eyes were still squeezed shut.

"T-Taehyung h-hyung my heart s-stopped. It stopped, I j-just know it. D-don't let me d-die... p-please. I d-don't wanna d-die." Jungkook sobbed, Taehyung hushing him softly and taking Jungkook's hand just so he could press it gently on the boy's own chest where a bandage lay across his skin. Jungkook felt his soft yet rapid pulse under his fingertips as Taehyung pressed his hand down, his breath hitching as he tried so hard to stifle his crying.
"No it didn't pup, see, your heart is beating just fine. Breathe, Kook."

"In for four."

"Hold for seven."

"And out for eight."

"You've got this, I'm right here."

Heart Attack | TK Where stories live. Discover now