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A thud and a cry out had made Taehyung bolt up from his position at his desk and let out a lace of curses, completely halting on the work he was filling out and running out of the room.
"Kookie?! Baby where are you?" Taehyung called out when he reached the hallway, but the sound of sobbing immediately grasped his attention, leading him quickly to the lounge.

His heart practically broke when he saw Jungkook laying on his side on the floor, crying into the carpet with a trembling frame, his wheelchair metres away from him. Taehyung was quick to get on the floor beside him, gently pulling Jungkook into his arms and bringing the younger's back against his chest.
"Kookie, hey hey, I'm here. I've got you, baby." Taehyung soothed, rocking them gently from side to side and pressing light kisses into the back of Jungkook's head. The younger gasped for air as he cried and clung onto one of the arms that was tightly wrapped around his middle, seemingly holding on for dear life.

"C'mon pup, breathe, you'll be alright." Taehyung reassured, resting his chin on Jungkook's shoulder as he spoke softly into his ear. Taehyung moved a hand to pet Jungkook's hair, having found that the simple action calmed him down better than anything, and Jungkook's breathing was quick to even out with only a sob or a hiccup here and there.

"Shh, it's okay. Deep breaths Koo."

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