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After a few days, eating and drinking was becoming easier and easier at every meal, and the look of pure excitement on Jungkook's face when Jimin and Yoongi brought him ice cream was honestly everything that the two had hoped to see. Taehyung was glad that Jungkook's friends were around more often, even if it was just for a little while, to entertain Jungkook and make him smile.

A lot of their conversations would just consist of Jungkook thanking them multiple times and apologising for everything that had happened, only for Jimin to hug him and say 'bunny, don't apologise for any of this, it's not your fault' along with Yoongi nodding with an occasional 'yeah kid, we're just sorry that this has happened to you.'

With the help of his friends and Taehyung, Jungkook felt liked he was finally getting better.

Like his life after this may actually end up worth it.

Like he was loved.

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