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Jungkook was awake.

Within seconds, three figures were surrounding his bed, each looking at him with hopeful and attentive expressions. Jungkook hated to worry others, and now that he had worried three different people it was putting a whole different kind of guilt on his shoulders.

"Hey Kook, how do you feel?"

Jungkook will never get tired of Taehyung's low voice. Hell, he's sure he'll never get used to it. And the nickname coming from Taehyung made everything better. It was new; he liked it. The youngest let out a hoarse chuckle and moved a weak hand across his face.
"Embarrassed now, I guess." He mumbled, sending a weak but playful glare to Jimin who smiled with his teary eyes disappearing behind his fluffy cheeks.

"It's fine, I think you're handsome too." Taehyung laughed, the three of them chuckling a little as Jungkook's pale face quickly flushed a light shade of pink, his ears turning red.
"You gave us a right scare, kid." Yoongi said, Jungkook pouting and looking at the oldest with big doe eyes.
"What even happened?" Jungkook asked obliviously with a weak voice, Yoongi slapping a hand over Jimin's mouth before he could even talk as he noticed Jimin was ready to explain. He wasn't prepared for his emotional boyfriend to start crying again, knowing it would also set Jungkook off. That would not be a brilliant idea, and Taehyung most certainly wouldn't be happy about it.

"We'll let you and your doctor over here discuss it while we go get lunch." Yoongi said with a knowing smirk, seeing how Taehyung wanted so badly to talk to the younger. Taehyung knew what he was doing and he sent Yoongi a thankful look, but Jimin simply pouted at the idea.

"But Yoongs, Kookie just woke up!"
"Okay okay fine, I'm going I'm going. We'll be back later Kookie!"

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