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To say the least, that was a long night for the both of them, but Jungkook was so thankful to have Jimin right there beside him. Jimin was the only familiar thing that he'd seen for a while, and the questions of where he was, why he was there, and why he couldn't move still hung in his mind as if they were taunting him.

After waking up for a third time, Jungkook calmed down much quicker than the last, but he refused to go back to sleep no matter how much Jimin pleaded for him to do so; he just couldn't. The thought of succumbing to the darkness alone made him shiver, and he was scared to simply close his eyes. Jimin had finally given up, falling asleep with his head on Jungkook's bed after leaning tiredly forward from the chair. Jungkook smiled sadly, feeling sorry that he'd kept his friend up all night simply because the older had to comfort him, so he moved a weak hand to the smaller boy's hair and played with it lightly as he slept.

After finally noticing all of the equipment and the setting around him, Jungkook had realised that he was in a hospital room that night. The concept of it honestly didn't scare him that bad, but what did frighten him was why he was there. He was yet to find out, so perhaps he should ask that strange man who he'd met the previous day.

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