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"Hello, I'm Dr Kim. You must be Jimin." The doctor said, the smaller of the two standing up abruptly and nodding his head.
"Hey Taehyung." Yoongi said in a low voice, Taehyung dropping his gaze to the other and giving him a warm smile as he recognised the face.
"Yoongi, it's been a while." Taehyung said, Yoongi just shrugging a little and tilting his head.

"You actually went through with becoming a doctor then." Yoongi said in a low voice, Taehyung nodding to his old school friend.
"Yes, but this isn't exactly the situation that I would hope for a reunion." Taehyung said with a sad look, anxiety hitting Jimin head-on as he noticed Dr Kim's drop in expression.
"Is he okay? Please tell me Kookie's okay." Jimin queried, the fear and doubt laced into his words that came out desperate.

Taehyung looked to him and sighed, a sign that the shortest didn't like at all.
"His condition is stable, but when it comes to tumours in the base of the skull, the spinal chord is at risk. We do not yet know the extent of his likely paralysis." Taehyung said gravely, wishing that this had turned out differently.

But it hadn't.

The pain in Jimin's eyes and the worry in Yoongi's expression was real.

This was reality.

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