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Jungkook was writing in his notebook a lot recently, and Taehyung had noticed that. Every time he came in after the nurses had changed Jungkook's dressings and checked on his condition, he'd watch the younger write with a discontent frown on his face.

Taehyung didn't like that.

He knew what he'd given Jungkook the notebook for, and he smiled as Jungkook took advantage of that mechanism. But at the same time, he could tell that Jungkook struggled to write his worries on the paper. So whenever he asked if the younger wanted to talk about something, or if he had any worries, the raven-haired male would simply shake his head and turn back to his paper. They didn't seem to talk as much as they had done, yet the silence between them was comforting rather than awkward and distant.

That didn't stop Jungkook from whining every time Taehyung said he had to leave though.

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