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Jimin knelt down in front of him, holding his hand lightly and stroking a hand across the younger's forehead.
"Bunny what's wrong? You're scaring me." Jimin mumbled in concern, panic rising as Jungkook still failed to respond. He squeezed Jungkook's hand in hopes that it would bring him to the present, giving a sigh of relief when the action caused Jungkook to blink a few times, shaking his head slightly before turning to face his hyung.

"Hm?" Jungkook hummed in confusion, not entirely sure where he was as he noticed Jimin looking at him, dumbfounded and worried.
"You zoned out for a second there, are you okay?" Jimin asked, Jungkook tilting his head with a look of puzzlement.
"Oh, I did?"
Jimin frowned at that. There was clearly something wrong here, and his mental note to tell the nurses was interrupted when Jungkook was suddenly handing something to him. It was a notebook.

"What's this bud?" Jimin asked softly, Jungkook scrunching his face up as if he was trying to remember.
"I... I think I was about to give it to you... I don't really remember." Jungkook replied, his voice sounding so monotone it seemed like his conscience wasn't fully connected to his body.
"Oh, okay." Jimin replied, gently plucking the notebook from Jungkook's hand and opening it with worry-filled curiosity.

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