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Taehyung's POV:

I was walking through the intensive care ward having just checked on one of my elderly patients, when the sound of distinct sobbing caught my attention. Frowning, I turned my head in the direction of where it was coming from, and my heart sunk when I ended up peering through the window of Jungkook's room. He sounded so... broken.

I was hoping that him not being able to feel his legs was a side-effect of the medication, but after taking him off of it, it seemed that there was no improvement. I keep asking the nurses of their findings and whether he was regaining the feeling or movement at all below his hips, but their saddened expressions said all the words I hoped I wouldn't have to hear. It was definitely partial paralysis from the tumour, and seeing Jungkook break down like that, I suppose he's also worked it out

But for God's sake I can't just stand here!

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