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"You ready to go, Kookie?" Jimin chirped, wheeling Jungkook's wheelchair to the side of the bed and smiling as Jungkook beamed up at him.
"Ready as I'll ever be." He chuckled, sliding into his wheelchair skilfully. He prided himself in how quickly he was able to learn new skills, and just hoped that he'd be back in the gym to work on his arms and core again as his muscles were slightly fading.

Jimin had brought some comfy clothes for Jungkook to change into, the younger now out of the thin hospital gown and into some sweatpants and his favourite black hoodie.
"You look excited." Yoongi chuckled to the youngest, noticing how Jungkook was smiling and blushing all at once.
"I get to spend a whole week with Taehyung." Jungkook breathed out, slight disbelief being heard in his words as Jimin chuckled and ruffled his hair.

"You two are cute. Looks like Yoongi is gonna have to stay with me while you're at Taehyung's to keep me company." Jimin said, giving the oldest puppy eyes as Yoongi sighed and rolled his eyes in response. He saw Jimin's fake hurt expression and couldn't help but chuckle as he pulled the shortest towards him by the waist.

"I would love to."

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