A Disaster of a Team

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When were their faces going to stop taunting me? When was I finally going to be able to fall asleep? None of it was fair; it was all just so un-fucking fair! Hugging my pillow to my chest, I tried to stifle my sobbing as thought after nagging thought assaulted my usually unworried brain. Did Beth really care so little about what had happened? No, that was too mean, she loved her brothers with every fiber of her being, so what was it? Did she still hate her life that much? Hate living? Had I been missing something with her this whole time? Some sign that pointed to how unhappy she was with her old life? All I knew is that we had died, that was all that made sense to me now.

Why did I have to die? Why did I have to leave my parents behind, my dog, my brother, Alma, all people I'd never be able to see again. I'd never be able to see Beth's family again, never be able to listen to music again, at least not for a long fucking time. Now I was stuck in a world where I'd have to fight for my life, and I didn't even ask for it! I was stuck in this stupid pink bed with stupid pink hair. This wasn't me, I just wanted to be me, but now I was stuck playing as fucking Sakura.

This just wasn't fair.

I didn't wake up feeling rested at all, but I didn't have the time to worry about that. I just needed to continue my routine as normal, eat breakfast, and remember to pack extras for my team. The only time I had felt fully awake was when I approached the training grounds, somehow having managed to wander my way over there, and I ran to my husband, jumping up onto his back.

"Hello~!" I chirped happily as Naruto stumbled under my surprise attack.

He jerked his head back in an attempt to see who was 'attacking' him, instantly relaxing when noticing it was me, "Oh, hi Sakura!"

"I've got something for you!" I purred, sliding off of his back and giving our surroundings a quick search before procuring the boxed lunches from my bag, "Better eat it before Kashi comes." Smiling, I held them out to the two bewildered boys.

"Kashi?" Sasuke mumbled, staring down at the box like it might have somehow been a trap.

Naruto slowly accepted his, brow furrowed all the same, "But... didn't he say that we shouldn't eat!?"

I scoffed, who knew he actually tried to follow the rules sometimes, "Would you stop breathing if he said not to? Breakfast is important, Ru! Eat!"

He took only a moment longer to debate before shrugging, popping the container open, and tucking in, "This is really good!"

Sasuke looked down at his hesitantly at the praise, narrowing his eyes in distrust, "Is this poisoned or something?"

Oh my God, why the hell would he think I'd try and poison him? I rolled my eyes, "My mom made it, okay? Poisoning you isn't anywhere close to the top of my list of things to do."

"Yeah!" Naruto agreed around his food, "It's really good Sasuke! Bet I'll finish before you."

Sasuke's eyes narrowed further at that and, with a rough hand, he snatched the box from me and began wolfing the food down. My hand remained in the air for a moment, stunned, had... had Naruto just played Sasuke? He shot me a cheeky smile, and I couldn't help but smile back. I knew we'd get along. The boys managed to finish before Kakashi arrived, so I had just enough time to shove the containers back into my bag before the silver haired god graced me with his presence.

"I take it you are all ready for your exam?" He greeted with a small wave.

"KASHI!" I screamed, jumping up and tackling him from behind. For whatever reason, he seemed to just not be able to predict my movements, and for another blessed moment I had caught him unaware with my arms around his waist and my face buried in the back of his vest.

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