The House

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The sun shone brightly over the quiet streets of Konoha, early morning light not having quite drawn everyone out of their houses to crowd the walkways. Of course, I preferred this, and the silence was welcome. At least there would've been silence if it wasn't for the people I was walking with.

"That speech was insane!" Sasuke raved, gesturing energetically in his disbelief, "I had no idea Kakashi sensei was able to do something like that."

"It did seem quite out of character to me." Itachi noted, brow furrowing in contemplation as he considered the implications, "He was never one to be so boldly out of line. It was off putting to be honest."

"Yeah," Kiba agreed with a huff, "He seemed really pissed."

"I don't think I've ever seen him that angry," Sasuke agreed, "And he got angry at Sakura a lot."

"It was great." I smiled at the memory; it was a truly legendary speech.

"Of course you found it funny." Kiba scoffed. The two Uchihas seemed to be in agreement with him.

"C'mon, he saw right through the bullshit and called it out!" I defended hotly, not one to let myself be ganged up on, "You gotta give the man some respect for that."

"Do we?" Itachi replied with a quirked brow.

"Okay... it was kinda funny." Kiba admitted, smirking at me, "The looks on the council members' faces were hilarious."

"Tsunade looked like she was going to kill him right then and there." Sasuke chuckled.

Itachi shook his head in exasperation, "You're a generation of delinquents aren't you."

"'YoU'rE a GeNeRaTiOn Of DeLiNqUeNtS'" Sasuke mocked, making Kiba snort out a laugh before he could stop himself. Itachi glared down at Sasuke with a look of sheer 'I'm not going to take your bullshit', and Sasuke glared back at him with a 'Yes you are'.

Itachi apparently decided that giving up was the better option, "Why are we going to Sakura's house again?"

"House maintenance, making sure everything's in order." I answered with a sigh, "Since she left without preparing there's probably some things that are out of order at her house."

"A lot of things probably." Sasuke grumbled, "I hope the place is still in one piece to be honest."

"Give her a little more credit, man." Kiba chuckled, "She's more put together than people give her credit for."

"I lived with her." Sasuke stressed, scowling at Kiba as if it would help him prove his point. Kiba just shrugged it off, but Sasuke seemed to be quickly distracted by something else, "Dude, what the hell are you doing?"

"Hm?" Kiba looked at him in utter confusion, me doing the same.

"Why are you holding her hand like that?" Sasuke followed, "You're, like, engulfing her hand with yours."

To be fair to Sasuke, Kiba's hand was holding the outside of mine as opposed to the traditional palm-to-palm. Nonetheless, Kiba frowned at Sasuke as if the answer was obvious, "She doesn't like people touching her palms."

Sasuke stared at us with a look of almost disgust, Itachi leaning around him to try and get a look at our hands. With a huff, Sasuke reached down to grab one of Kiba's hands in a more 'proper' hold, raising them up so that I could see them, "This is how you hold hands."

"Okay, but she doesn't like people touching her palms." Kiba reiterated bluntly.

"Then why are you holding her hand at all!?" Sasuke blurted.

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