Chakra Points and Apologies

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I glanced out the kitchen window for what must have been the twentieth time by now. Punctuality was clearly not something he valued. A knock on the door caused me to let out a tired sigh; about time.

I opened the door to see a dog sitting there, Akamaru to be specific, his master nowhere to be seen.

I glared down at the dog, "What the hell is this?"

Akamaru simply smiled, stood up, and then trotted into my house. I whipped around, not really wanting this dog to freely roam about the apartment, and took a step inside, "Come back here! Where the hell i-"

I turned to look back outside just to come face to face with Kiba who was cooly leaning against the doorframe with a cocky smirk, "Hey, Neji."

I let out a yelp of surprise, jumping backwards and causing Kiba to burst out into laughter. I flushed; what was his deal? Did he prank everyone like this?

"That one got you good!" he chuckled, pointing above his head, "I was just perched over your door. I thought you'd notice."

I let out an indignant huff, "Well, I'm sorry that I thought better of you than to be so childish."

Kiba frowned, walking past me to go to the back door, "Jeez, you might wanna get that stick out of your ass before we start sparring."

"Must you be so crass!" I blurted; I must've been beet red by this point.

Kiba only let out another amused laugh before walking into the backyard, Akamaru following happily behind him.

I reluctantly made my way outside, partially regretting my decision to continue the sparring sessions despite Hanabi moving out.

Kiba was staring off into space pensively until he suddenly turned to look at me, "Hyuga's are good with chakra control and stuff, right?"

"Yes, we can be." I answered uncertainly, "Though Hinata's abilities were a little abnormal."

He nodded, "Like the way she could make herself stronger and stuff."

"Yes." I concluded, "Though, most of us would be capable of doing it, it's just a matter of changing what the chakra does when we channel it."

Kiba smiled determinedly, "I want you to teach me how to do that."

I blinked, "What?"
He let out a scoff, "It's not that hard to understand. I wanna have another ace up my sleeve besides just my clan's skills. I'm good with hand to hand, so I was thinking that being able to make myself stronger would just be a natural extension of that."

"No, I get that." I sighed, "But, you want me to?"

"Teach me?" he quirked an eyebrow, "Um... yeah? Who else would I have do it?"

I frowned back at him, "Fine, fine. How much do you know about chakra control?"

"Walk on water, walk up trees, blah blah blah." he waived dismissively, "how do you think I stood over your door?"

"Fair enough." I conceded, walking over to the storage shed and grabbing out a practice dummy.

I placed it in the ground in front of Kiba, "It's just a matter of channeling down your arms rather than concentrating on your feet." I positioned myself in front of the mannequin, "I suppose it would be similar to an air palm, except instead of continuing the chakra out of your arm, you'd concentrate it within yourself." to demonstrate, I threw a punch, channeling down my arm to deliver a blow to the mannequin's chest that cracked the support pole.

"Awesome!" Kiba grinned, "I guess that should be easy enough."

He then stood in front of the mannequin, taking a stance to throw a punch before a look of confusion crossed over his face, "Wait... okay... so channeling to your feet is like that." I guessed that he must've been doing that while he rambled to himself, "And so channeling to your arm should be like this." he threw a punch, and, while it was a good one, it was clear that not much chakra had gone into it. I almost laughed at the way he glared down at his own hand.

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