Big Sister

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 How was I going to do this?

I barely knew the poor girl, I had no idea how much Hiashi had told her about our situation, she had to know something, right? I was responsible for both her safety and happiness right now. I knew that she was only eight! But eight year olds could be some of the harshest people on the planet; I would know! It was different though; she was a sister, not a brother. How was that going to be? Could I be a good sister? I was kind of like a second mom to my brothers.

I wasn't cut out for this.


My head snapped to the side to see Hanabi standing next to me, backpack over her shoulder. She gently reached out and tugged on my sleeve.

"I don't want to be late."

"Oh, of course! Sorry!" I jumped up and grabbed my keys, "Do you have everything? Lunch? Homework?"

Hanabi simply nodded as we headed outside. I made sure to lock the door behind me, and as we turned onto the main road I grabbed her by the hand on instinct.

I felt her tense, and, realizing what I had just done, I quickly released her hand.

"S-sorry! I don't know why I did that." I was red from embarrassment.

I was surprised when I felt her tiny hand slip back into mine.

"It's okay." she stated, glancing up at me, "I don't mind, and this will help you walk straight."

I was further shocked by how aware she was. She must have heard Neji talking to me about never going anywhere alone.

"Hinata?" she asked cautiously after a prolonged silence. Why was she shy all of the sudden?

"Yes, Hanabi?"

"Could you tell me... how you lost your eye?" she wasn't looking at me. I couldn't blame her. I was intrigued by the question though.

"Do you really want to know?" I replied aloofly.

"Yes... that's why I asked." There wasn't even a hint of sass, just her stating a fact. I loved kids.

"Well, I got into a fight." I sighed, not sure how in depth to go. To be fair, I didn't really remember a lot of it, and I was scared to know the truth.

"Was it during the Chunin exams?"

"Yes, it was."

"When you got the curse?"

"You know about that too?"

"Father was crying a lot recently, before I left." the grip on my hand became a little stronger, and I felt my heart clench, "He told me one night."

"I'm sorry you had to hear about that." was my grim response.

' "Did you kill them?"

That's what really stunned me. I stopped walking for a moment as I felt something in my brain shift. Hanabi stopped and stared up at me. She seemed scared.

"Hanabi..." I tried to keep my voice steady as it suddenly felt very difficult to speak, "I want you to listen to me very carefully."

Her face took on an expression more similar to a child who thought they were about to get in trouble. I preferred that to fear.

"I live by a few set rules of morality. It helps to make decision making easier." I began taking a deep breath, "I don't know what happened in that forest. But I do know this: If anyone threatens your life, you are fully justified in doing all that is possible to ensure your survival. No one should be judged for trying to save themselves."

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