Bad Dreams and Revelations

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Was Hinata safe? She had to come back, right? Wasn't that just some weird nightmare? I mean, it wasn't for sure I was her in that dream; I could've been some other tiny, pale girl with short, black curly hair with black painted nails. Yeah... definitely.

I paused my pacing for only a moment, distracting myself with the other question of if pacing in front of the Hyuga compound would end up getting me in trouble, but I honestly didn't care. I wanted to see Hina as soon as she was home, and I wasn't going to let anyone stand in my way.

And, luckily, it wasn't going to be a problem for me anymore, as I soon spotted the little swath of black walking down the road towards me and immediately began sprinting for her. She was staring at her feet pensively as she walked, lifting her eyes just in time to let out a surprised yelp as I tackle-hugged her, throwing my arms around her neck, "You're back!"

"Uh- Yeah," She smiled, quirking a brow, "Miss me?" She hesitantly lifted her arms to hug me back, but who cares if I was making her uncomfortable!? She was safe!

"Of course!" I pulled back, holding her by the shoulders, "I'm so happy you didn't die!"

"I'm pretty sure you told me not to do that." Her confusion remained even though she chuckled, tilting her head slightly, "It wasn't even that dangerous of a mission. You can't be telling me you were worried."

I gasped in offense, "Am I not allowed to be worried!?" With a huff, I turned away from her, "Well, fine! If you want me to be distant and uncaring, I will be!"

Even though I couldn't see her face, I could tell she had rolled her eyes, walking around me and gesturing to the building, "Knock yourself out, but do you want to be 'distant and uncaring' inside maybe?"

Huffing again, I crossed my arms over my chest to continue the bit, following her inside of the compound gates and into the main house and trying not to stare all the while at the few Hyugas milling about. We finally came to her bedroom, and I promptly laid across the foot of her futon, careful to not let my feet touch any of her bedding since she was weird about stuff like that.

"Mmm, yes, so cold and distant." She commented as she set her bag down, walking over to her closet and shedding her jacket. Tossing the article in the hamper, she pulled the door of the closet far enough to block her from view as she no doubt wanted to change her shirt and pants after a few days of traveling.

I didn't want to indulge in that little joke much longer anyways since I had much more important things to do, many important questions. Rolling over onto my stomach and propping my face in my hands, I smiled, "Soooo?"

She pulled the closet closed, now wearing a striped black and white long-sleeved T-shirt and a black skirt, which I found a little odd since I thought she didn't really prefer skirts... or wore this much black from what I remembered. Her brow was slightly furrowed, first a little annoyed by my tone before something else must've popped into her mind, "I... talked to-"

"Kiba?" I interrupted excitedly, kicking my feet.

Hinata gave me a long look, something near disbelief, first scanning the pose I was in before narrowing her eyes at my expression, "I did talk to him, but I-"
"How'd it go!? How'd it go!?" I pushed myself up excitedly, "What did you talk about!?" With a gasp I sat on my knees, bouncing in place, "Tell me you like him! Tell me he likes you-"

"Sakura." She interrupted harshly, making me sit back down. She looked more than annoyed now, "There are more important things than that to talk about. I saw Ha-"

"Are you keeping secrets from me!?" I pointed at her, accusatory, and Hina jumped a little bit, brow furrowing in puzzlement, "Something happened with him, and you won't tell me!" I pouted, sitting back and crossing my arms over my chest with a huff, "I can't-"
Her hand was tightening on the handle of the closet, the other balled in a fist, "I saw Hak-!"

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