Return to the Vine

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"Do you think they'll be happy to see us?" I inquired as Jugo and I made our way into Tsurugakure.

"I would think so." he glanced up at me, "Do you not?"

"They could be angry or something... I dunno." I shrugged.

He frowned before looking back at our path, "You've been sad recently, want to talk about it?"

"I failed, Jugo." I stated simply, "I let Asuma-sensei die, and now countless people I care about are going to be affected."

"You almost died." he scoffed, "You were in a fight against six people; all of them strong ninja."

"I know." my grip on his collar tightened in frustration, "I just wish I had been able to save him."

"You should've had me come with you." he muttered.

"I'm sorry, okay?" I offered, "I didn't have time to find you because by time Itachi and Kisame had told me what was happening, Hidan and Kakuzu had already gone on their mission."

"I just wish you would've brought someone with you." he sighed.

"I know, but taking any other Akatsuki member would be too suspicious." I griped, "I don't know who I can trust."

"It's not fair." Jugo huffed, "Why do you have to do everything?"

I was surprised to hear Jugo be so genuinely complainative, "Because I have information that other people don't, and it would be wrong for me to not use it."

"That's stupid." he scoffed.

"Calm down, big guy." I soothed, patting him on the head, "It'll pay off at some point... I hope."

"You don't have to do everything." he said after a moment, "You don't need to be the only person that's trying to 'save the world'."

"I know." I leaned my head against his shoulder, "It's just hard to remember that I can ask for help."

"And that you should?" he pressed.

"Yeah, okay, I get it." I grumbled.

We walked under the village gates, eyes looking up to scan the place we made.

"It's... changed a lot." Jugo noted.

I hummed affirmatively, "It looks so much more polished now."

"There's people here." he continued as he walked, glancing around the villagers and shopkeepers that littered the streets.

" A lot of people." I agreed with a smile, "Good to know that this place is growing."

Jugo smirked up at me, "I guess Karin is making a good leader after all."

"And that she and Suigetsu haven't killed each other yet." I smirked back.

"I hope they're doing alright." Jugo winced.

"I would think they are." I dismissed, "And we're gonna find out soon anyways."

We walked up to the Budokage's building, going inside and heading up to her office. Jugo shifted me on his back so he could knock.

"Budokage's busy." we heard Suigetsu snap from inside.

Jugo and I looked at each other, trying not to laugh. He set me down, and I leant towards the door, "It's urgent." I stated.

"Fine, come in, just don't expect to keep your head." I heard from inside.

Jugo and I grinned at each other before I opened the door and stepped in, "I'd much rather keep my head, thank you very much."

Suigetsu looked up before gawking, and Karin, upon hearing his silence, looked up as well to a similar response.

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