Some Quality Girl Time

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After spending more than enough time in the hospital for my taste, I was finally going to be released, of course under strict order not to train extensively. I waited patiently in my room for someone to come pick me up. I was pleasantly surprised to see Hinata walk into my room.

"Hey, zombae!" I chirped as I reached out to fluff her hair. She obliged.

"Okay, so that nickname is gonna be a thing." she concluded, "Are you ready to leave?"

"Yep! My parents have already moved most of my stuff."

"Why aren't they here to get you?"

"They both are working, and I told them that I could get someone else to get me so they wouldn't have to miss more work than they already have."

"That's sweet."

"More importantly: why are you here?" I raised a questioning eyebrow.

"Don't tell me that I should be resting."

"Chakra exhaustion is no joke!" I pointed an accusatory finger, "Regular exhaustion isn't either!"

"I can't stand being around my house anymore..." she sighed.

"What's... going on?"I tilted my head to the side. She cringed a little.

"It's just... Neji. And, we fought during the prelims still and it wasn't good and... I really don't want to talk about it." She looked like she was in pain, so I didn't press it.

"Okay, okay." I waved a dismissive hand, "let's just get out of here."

She brought over a wheelchair, which I proceeded to pout at.


"I hate those things. They are so slow and lame." I huffed, "And I was kind of expecting Naruto to come get me, so I was hoping to be carried."

Hina was suddenly sitting in front of me.

"Uh...? Want me to play with your hair or something?"

She simply pointed a finger at her back.

"Okay?" I wrapped my arms around her shoulders, letting out a squeak of shock when she smoothly grabbed hold of my legs and stood up.

"Whoa! Hey!? When did you get strong enough to do this? Are you strong enough to do this?"

"I'll be fine. And your weight is nothing. Remember that I had to carry Neji all the way from my house to yours and get into your second story window." she stated bluntly.

"Oh, right. How did you even manage that?"

"I don't remember most of the walk."

"What do you mean 'I don't remember'? You remember everything."

"I seem to be forgetting a lot of things recently." she sighed as we began to walk through town, "I barely remember anything past the first trial of the chunin exams."


"Yeah... I don't know if it's the mark, or maybe some sort of repression when I go through trauma, but my memory of those events are just... gone."

"All of them?"

There was a pause.


I wasn't convinced, but I wasn't going to interrogate her while she was carrying me for fear of being dropped. Speaking of which, I wondered if I might have had a lapse in judgement by having her carry me. She couldn't be better yet, so how did she have the energy?

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