03. Little fairy

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According to the information said by the teenager, Su Su quickly made up a bitter drama in his mind.

A handsome boy has a very poor family background. Daddy does not want to be angry. The mother still loves to spend money. Although spending money is a woman's nature, it can only be a doll that suffers in this way. In order to supplement the home and pay the school fees, handsome boys are like In desperation, came to the construction site to start his brick moving career.


It's tragic.

Su Su was almost moved to tears by the emotion of this great mother and son. She sniffed her nose and took two more steps towards the teenager.

Lu Xiao, who has been set up by the poor, has no knowledge of the girl 's inner thoughts. He is a Jedi survival technology and entertainment anchor. He is usually bored and live broadcasted on the Fighting Bird TV. Last summer, he played in many clubs and anchors. Time to kill the encirclement, won the first place in the Asian service, can be described as famous in one battle.

Since then, fans have been soaring, and several clubs have cast olive branches on him, and he has rejected them one by one on the grounds of the heavy academic year. In fact, these are just excuses. Who didn't know that he didn't even take the final exam in his freshman year. Because he failed too many subjects, he was retrained by the school and he became the first repeater in the Department of Finance.

But the main reason is also due to his stubborn grandfather.

Grandpa's original words: "Stinky boy! Even if you go to the construction site to move bricks, I don't agree with you to play that broken game!"

Then ... he really came to the site to move the bricks, which is also a kind of silent resistance against the family.

Lu Xiao thought about it for a while, sighed, and felt that the world was difficult. He picked up three or four bricks and sent them to the cart. Then he heard a soft and hesitant voice ringing from his ear. .

"Tong, classmate, may I ask ... Are you short of money?"

The girl's voice is soft and glutinous, like a candy filled with mint flavor, adding a touch of coolness to the hot summer.

The fans in the live room are showing off the fireworks, and suddenly they heard a female voice from the mobile phone. After a pause of two seconds, they exploded in an instant!

{Little girl's voice is so sweet, I can't help but praise her! }

{This hot day, how can a little girl come to the construction site to play, shouldn't it be lost ...}

Lu Xiao saw the missing barrage, his eyes slightly twitched, his eyelids lifted, and his eyes fell on the girl in front of him.

The girl is about one meter and six meters tall, wearing a pink cardigan skirt, with thin ankles exposed in his field of vision, an oval face, and some dust on her face, which still does not affect her beauty.

A pair of Xing'er's eyes are round and round, a small one, it is easy to think of a small creature.

cat puppet.

Little fairy like a puppet cat.

Lu Xiao suddenly gave birth to teasing thoughts, the lips were slightly picky, and a faint "um" sound, full of curiosity about the girl's next answer.

Su Su blinked, but hesitated for a moment, and soon became firm. She changed a bank card out of her hand like a magic.

"Student, if you are short of money, I have 100,000 in this card. You ... you don't have to move bricks, buy some nutrients to supplement your body."

The girl in front of her eyes had slender fingers and the cards in her hands looked thin and light. Who would know? It was just a small card with wealth that many people could not earn in a month.

One hundred thousand.

Lu Xiao's brain was at a loss for a moment. Was he too much like a beggar or the word "I have no money, I'm poor" on his head? Why did the strange girl just give him money when he saw him?

His thoughts diverged slightly, and Su Su thought that the other party would refuse to accept it. What would she do if she did not accept it? How would she listen to the little song? Yes, anyway, I do n't spend a lot of money every day, and I leave it as it is. It 's better to take it out and do good deeds. "

Su Su didn't know that the teenager was on live broadcast, she always pretended to be used to it, blinking her watery eyes, and said in a small voice: "Otherwise, I will support you ... No! I mean you are my boyfriend." , The money is justified for you ... "

She said, looking at the abs in front of her ...

The teenager may have been tanned for a long time, his skin color is slightly darker bronze, looks healthy and masculine.

Su Su licked her lips and her cheeks were slightly hot.

The little brother looks so handsome, the key is that the sound is pretty good, there is such a boyfriend, it seems to be quite good ...

Lu Xiao: "..." Wait, this girl said what to do with him.

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