78. To satisfy your lover.

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Coming out of the snack street, Su Su held a big cup of bubble tea and other taxis in his hand.

The boy next to him was black-haired and lazy, and his temperament was slightly cold. The cold boy bake cold noodles and small octopus balls, abruptly destroying the male spirit.

But he didn't seem to be aware of it, and he looked self-conscious.

The night at the end of September was mixed with a bit of coolness. Su Su sucked and steamed the milk tea, chewed the little pearls in his mouth, and glanced at the teenager beside him, "Are you really not going to taste it?"

Lu Xiao shook his head. He has never liked such sweet and greasy things.

"Milk tea is delicious."

"Pearls are so delicious and sweet!"

Lu Xiao lowered his head and saw that the girl's mouth was smeared with milky moisturizer, and she looked at him with bright eyes.

He rolled in his throat and suddenly wanted to taste her.

Try her milk tea, is it really that sweet?


After getting in the car, Su Su had time to greet a certain teenager next to him.

"Student Lu, don't you go home during holidays?"

Lu Xiao hummed lazily.

"not going back."

Su Su pursed his lips slightly, and a picture suddenly popped out of his mind.

During the National Day holiday, there were no people on the campus of a, and the boys' dormitory was also empty. Only the moving brick brother was the only one.

During the day, the harsh sun shone on his sturdy back. Lu Xiao silently sent bricks to the car, piece by piece, not daring to stop...

In the middle of the night, he dragged his tired body to the school cafeteria. The aunts in the cafeteria had gone home for the holidays. There was no window in the huge cafeteria to sell food. The brick-moving brother had to go back to bed hungry...

Mother, the world is miserable.

Su Su was taken aback by the picture her brain filled in, and suddenly felt that the small balls in her hand were not fragrant.

Su Su sighed, "Student Lu, if you need it, you must call me."

I can't help with anything else, but I can still make money.

Lu Xiao raised his eyelids and deliberately teased her: "Sister, are you addicted to being a savior?"

There was no awkwardness on the girl's face, she nodded very simply: "I just can't see that my friend is having a bad time."

Lu Xiao pondered the word friend in his mouth. Before he could figure it out, the car suddenly stopped and the driver in front said, "Boy, we are in the community."

The little girl jumped out of the car and waved at him with a sweet smile: "Student Lu, see you at school!"

Lu Xiao: "..."

He really doesn't like holidays, really.

Sending the girl home, Lu Xiao went back to the dormitory and took a shower.

When I closed my eyes on the bed, the girl's face bounced out of my mind.

She stood in front of him and supported him with a crooked smile, and in the end it all turned into that: "Student Lu, don't you really taste it?"

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